Hiking Kayaking Impromptu Summer Sledging

What we do...


Around Cambridge in term time we organise trips to the local climbing walls and manage the college’s kayak’s and canoes (including regular trips up the Cam to Granchester). We also take trips further afield to climbing walls in Harlow, Peterborough, and the Castle in Finsbury Park; and to go whitewater kayaking at London’s new Olympic course in the Lee Valley. We aim to run outdoor climbing, walking and kayaking trips on weekends during termtime to wherever we can find appropriate terrain! In the holidays, particularly Long Vac, we try to run slightly longer trips in more far flung corners of the UK.

Our strongest ethic (other than fun) is access: our trips to the climbing walls and kayaking pool sessions are subsidised, we provide as much of the equipment as possible and we take on anybody, no matter their skill level or experience.

To keep up to date with what we’re doing make sure you’re signed up to our mailing list (see the right hand side of this page). If you have any kayaking related inquiries email kayaks@kcsu.org.uk for climbing related questions or anything else, get in touch at mountains@kcsu.org.uk

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